“After high school, I really didn’t know what I wanted to do,” Austin states. Austin is one of our E-Commerce Assistants who is dedicated to listing the best finds on shopgoodwill.com for our customers.
Austin’s self-discovery journey started 7 years ago when he started at Goodwill in the Work Adjustment Program exploring the work he was interested in. “I scanned books in E-Commerce and working in this area sparked my interest to learn more about E-Commerce. A part-time position opened after I had completed the program. I applied and was hired. A year later, I took the full-time position. Goodwill has taught me a lot about my self. Patience is one of the main things. For example, being patient in situation when it is needed in my position. Before Goodwill. I doubted myself a lot and working here I have gained confidence and my self-esteem has boosted.
Austin’s work in E-Commerce has been exceptional and we are proud of being part of his journey to discovering the work he loves. When you support Goodwill through shopping in our stores or giving donations you are giving back to your community through individuals who need to develop critical job skills to be successful in the work they are passionate about.