Back Row: Michael (2018), Renzel (2014), Stan (Store Manager), Alyssa (2018), Frank (2019), Chris (2017), Kim D (2019)
Front Row: Samantha (Assistant Manager), Pam (2017), Connie (2020), Kim P (Operations Supervisor), Michelle (2017)
Picture on the Right: Wally (2019)
(Year represents year graduated from Work Adjustment Program)

No one can prepare for life’s rough road. We all stumble at some point and need a helping hand. Everyone deserves a second chance. At Goodwill, we believe in giving a hand up for individuals who might need help getting back on their feet. Rapid City store exemplifies what we stand for and what our mission is. The Work Adjustment program helps individuals who have brain injury, physical injury, cognitive or mental health challenges gain soft skill development to become ready for employment.
Stan, Store Manager, has hired 10 Work Adjustment Program graduates who are currently working in the retail store today. Stan explains, “People are loyal and appreciative of the opportunities given. Samantha (Assistant Manager) and Kim (Operations Supervisor) are all strong supporters of Goodwill’s mission and provide consistent positive mentoring to each one of the participants who come through the program. They work as a team right along with our Mission Services team to ensure the success of each participant who comes through the program.”
Participants thoroughly enjoy the Work Adjustment Program and believe they have gained confidence, created relationships, and learned new skills. They enjoy having a purpose and a reason to work.
When you believe in someone and what they are capable of, the sky is the limit! All you need to give someone is a chance.