Alas, the days of summer vacation are in the past for most of us, so we pass up the pool in favor of a paycheck every Monday through Friday. But that doesn’t mean your summer style must be compromised! Unless you’re lucky enough to work outside and enjoy this glorious season before it’s gone, you may need to consciously include it in your 9 to 5 life. Here are a couple of ways to do that…

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Put a little spring (or summer!) into your step every morning by donning work wear that reflects these warm, sunny days. I found a blog post with ten apparel items crafted into six outfits that are perfectly professional. Thanks to Goodwill/Easter Seals Minnesota (St. Paul) for that fun mix-and-match, I’m inspired to get ready for work tomorrow morning! There are no windows in my office, so including color like this will dramatically improve the summer vibes. I would highly suggest investing in well-priced attire at Goodwill that, like these pieces, can work together to create lots of different looks. It’s such an efficient way to make the most of your money!

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Now, who says that home décor is just for the home? I find myself to be much more productive when my surroundings are tidy and well dressed, so why not bring my love of thrifty decoration to the office? A small, framed art piece like this one is easy to make (don’t forget to check out the DIY tutorial from The Crafted Sparrow) and just as simple to swap out with the seasons. This will keep the office from feeling stagnant and season-less, especially if it’s a cubicle. All you need to get started on this project is a second-hand picture frame, some washi tape, and poster board!

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While we’re on the topic of a workplace, it might be a great time for me to share these tips for job seekers that Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia and The CSRA (Macon) shared on their website. Whether you are out of work at the moment or just looking to advance in your current environment, I find these tips to be helpful. And, wouldn’t you know, number one is dressing the part! I bet you want to go back and peek at that summer work wears blog post I mentioned now, huh?
Even if your job may sometimes feel like a grind, I’m sure that deep down you know that work itself is incredibly important. It allows us all to support our families, to be active members of our communities, and to gain confidence and feel fulfilled. We are all lucky to have good work to do and maybe a little summer accessorizing will help us share that positivity with the rest of our coworkers! If you’d like to help others in your area gain the opportunity to work, because of Goodwill’s business model it’s this simple: Donate stuff, create jobs. There’s no better time than now!