When I think of the 4th of July, I envision our glorious flag (and what it represents), booming fireworks and a laid back happy vibe. No matter where you are celebrating or how many people are involved, those are the top three things, I think, on everyone’s Independence Day celebration checklist. The problem with party planning for an event like this, though, is that when you’re the host sometimes the details can overtake your ability to actually enjoy the free-spirited mood of the day. We don’t want you to miss out on the fun, so here are a few tips to help you capture the atmosphere of the holiday without missing out on the good parts.

Image via goodwillvirginia.org
Let’s start off with one décor tip that will go a long way: Making your food pull double duty! Every event needs food. Whether you’re hosting a huge gathering or just preparing enough for your family, it’s easy to color code your foods to fit the theme. Arrange a red, white, and blue dessert in a clear glass bowl (browse a wide variety of shapes and sizes at Goodwill for a great price!) and use it as a centerpiece. This great idea comes from the Goodwill of Central and Coastal Virginia (Richmond) blog. It’s a roundup post so check it out for even more décor ideas!

Marion Goodwill Industries (OH) has some easy 4th of July ideas, too, on their patriotic Pinboard. I especially love this idea to organize silverware into mason jars with red, white, and blue bandanas! Every piece of this easy-to-assemble display can be thrifted and the best part is that you’ll be able to use them all after the event, too! There’s a secret satisfaction I get when I can assimilate seasonal décor into off-season functionality. It’s just so convenient! I’ll definitely be trying this one.

Image via theendlessdiaryofasororitygirl.blogspot.com
Since your very festive table is now set, and we’ve decided that our décor this year must be functional, let’s talk about attire! Having the clothing you wear contribute to the color scheme is a simple yet effective way to create a cohesive look without having to put a lot of time into party prep. Start by looking through your closet to see what you already have. I’m big on whites and blues, so finding something to wear with those two colors wouldn’t be a problem for me. Red, however, is a hue I very rarely buy. That’s why I’ll browse Goodwill first.
Sure, it’s lovely to find some really fun an on-trend pieces at the mall or online, but the thrift store secret is that the item you’re considering buying brand new might actually be waiting for you at Goodwill for only a fraction of the price. Plus, when you buy second-hand items you’re helping the earth! A lot of the pieces in the display above were collected by Sophie of the blog The Endless Diary of a Sorority Girl at her local Goodwill and they’re all super stylish! What’s hiding out and waiting for you at yours?
While I really enjoy celebrating our nation’s independence on July 4th, I also want to mention my year-round independence inspiration: Goodwill. You may be a fan of thrift shopping because it’s less expensive and better for the environment, but did you also know that when you shop at and donate to Goodwill you are helping to fund Goodwill’s employment programs? These programs promote independence and dignity for people within your own community who need support to provide for themselves and their families and that’s only possible with your help. I can’t think of a better way to honor our nation’s birthday than to assist my neighbors in their efforts toward achieving the American Dream.