Preparing for a Phone Interview
By: Phoua Xiong, Job Center Representative
Are you having a phone interview with your dream job but don’t know what to do? We are here to help. Preparing for a phone interview can be hard because you will have to learn how to express your emotion and excitement through your voice.
Step 1:
Do your homework and still research about the job just as you would for face-to-face interview. Doing your homework will make you sound smarter and more interested about the job.
Step 2:
Make sure you find a quiet spot for the interview. Background noise can be a distracting and can make it hard for both you and the interviewer.
Step 3:
Create yourself a cheat sheet including important notes and have your resume so you can refer too.
Step 4:
Finally, get some good night sleep so you can feel more refresh and alert during the interview.
Phone interview usually don’t take more than 30 minutes. By knowing how to prepare yourself, you’re able to show the best side of you.
Preparing For An Interview
You’ve been offered an interview for a job! Now what? This is an opportunity to build an edge over other applicants for the job you want. Here are a few steps you can use to greatly improve the impression you give future interviewers and your chance to get the job!
When you apply for a job, it is wise to keep the posted ad for the job, that way you can go back to the post for the jobs you have interviews for and review exactly what they asked for. This is important because the interviewer will have this in mind when they are interviewing you and it will help you more advantageously shape your replies into job winning answers.
In addition to crafting your answered to tell your employer why they want you, this also gives you the chance to answer the interviewers almost inevitable questions as to why you want the job. To get the edge over others being interviewed you want to make your answers sound like you want this job and having the job post allows you to do that.
Another valuable way to get an advantage over your competitors is to research the company. This doesn’t have to be a major ordeal or even time consuming – just look up the company’s website and read who they are as a company and what they are about. Seeming familiar with a company will further help you shape your answers to show how you will be a boon for them and good fit for their company.
Lastly, look up and rehearse the most common interview questions. Building a great answerer to a predictable question is one of the easiest and most advantageous steps you can take in prepping for an interview, and it can and probably will blow the competition out of the running for your next job.
Cleaning Up Social Media
Are you looking to perfect your resume? Resumes are a great way to get your potential employer’s attention. They are a way to communicate your qualifications, experiences, and what makes you different. Your resume should stand out among all the other applicants. Hiring managers and recruiters look at resumes for an average of six to seven seconds, so you want to make a strong resume. Here are some ways you can stand out against the other candidates.
- Keep your resume short and direct.
- Make sure your resume has an original, but readable, template.
- Highlight your skills and experiences.
- Make a career snapshot.
- Use emphasizing words.
- Think deeper than just your basic job duties/title.
- Use correct grammar and punctuation.
- List your professional social media profiles.
- Double check for errors.
Once you have your resume written and edited, tailor it to the employer you are sending it to. Modify your objective to fit with the position you are applying for. Own your resume. Your resume is your selling point. It is a place to show the hiring manager your worth and what you are capable of, so be confident with yourself. Your resume is the employer’s initial impression of you. Make a statement and make it stick.