Meet our new Rapid City Job Center Representative, Jessa!

Welcome our new Job Center Representative, Jessa! We are excited for her to join the team! Let’s learn more about Jessa!


“I am a soon-to-be graduate from South Dakota State University with Bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and Global Studies.

I joined Goodwill’s Mission Services Team because I wanted to use my knowledge and education to give back to my hometown community of Rapid City.

I look forward to providing resources and support to the public as we help improve and uplift the lives and opportunities of our neighbors.

I am an adrenaline junkie amateur, with a love for water sports, snowmobiling, and motorcycles. My bucket list includes: skydiving, bungee jumping, and scuba diving with sharks.

I also enjoy camping and hiking, cuddling with my dog, and trying new cuisines. I plan to join the Peace Corps in the future and would like to travel to Northern Africa for a cultural experience.

Exciting Announcement about New Goodwill Service

Goodwill offering IdentoGo Services in Job Center

Sioux City, IA- Goodwill of the Great Plains has partnered with Idemia to offer IdentoGo services including TSA Precheck, Hazardous Materials Endorsement and Transportation Worker Identification Credential enrollment screening.   Additionally, customers can have their passport photo taken at our site.   These services are being offered by appointment at 3100 West 4th Street located inside the Retail Store in the Job Center.  Appointments and pre-enrollment should be completed online at or calling the Customer Services Center at 1-844-321-2124.

Hours of operation are:

Monday – Friday: 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Monday – Thursday: 01:00 PM – 05:00 PM

For more information about Goodwill of the Great Plains, please visit our website at or connect with us via social media.

Five Tips For Better Time Management

By Randy Wooden, Director, Professional Center by Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina

Some days feel like they are 30 hours long. Other times, we feel like we need 30 hours to get everything accomplished.
Since everyone is given the same 24 hours each day, how can you make adjustments to feel like you’re accomplishing what you want or need to get done? Here are five tips to help you improve your time management skills. Let’s get started!

#1. First, understand where your time goes. Whether you use a phone app to track your time or write it in a journal, you will want an accurate accounting of your time. Are you wasting time checking your phone or on social media? Talking to friends? Taking long breaks? Checking emails constantly?

#2. Create a to-do list. Write your tasks in the journal or enter them into an app. Do not rely on your memory, even though some of your tasks may be repetitive. Think about grocery shopping: if you go in with a list, it will help you remain focused instead of bouncing around from aisle to aisle, scooping up impulse items. Another benefit of using a list is the sense of accomplishment when you cross off an item.

#3. Prioritize. Your list is only a start. Make sure you do the most important or time-sensitive tasks first. Do not do the things you enjoy doing, saving the less enjoyable tasks for later. There is a wise saying that holds true, make the main thing the main thing – and put first things first.

#4. Delegate. Is it possible for others to do some of the work? There may be other people that have the training or knowledge to help ensure tasks are completed on time. Even if you don’t need or receive help, it can be good to help others when they feel overwhelmed.

#5. It is okay to sometimes say no. Instead of delegating tasks to someone else at your workplace, saying no may refer to your personal life. As you prioritize your life tasks, unforeseen requests have to be weighed against pressing deadlines. Learning to say no to distractions or temptations is among the toughest lessons to learn.

Despite your best intentions, sometimes life happens when unforeseen crises occur, and sometimes priorities change. No matter what happens, try to be clear and stay focused on what is most important by keeping yourself organized with good time management skills. It will serve you well in both your work and your personal life. Good luck!

A Helping Hand for Ali was Found at the Goodwill Job Center

Living in a war divided country was difficult for Ali. His home country of Iraq was in complete political disarray. The fear of safety for his family and himself had become a growing concern. Ali and his family fled to Syria as refugees and were transferred to the United States as part of the United Nations refugee program in 2014.

After a few months, the urgency of finding a job while finishing high school was pressing. Ali had the responsibility of providing for his family while studying and adjusting to living in a new country. This was challenging for Ali and he knew that he needed some help.

A helpful friend from Iraq encouraged him to try the Goodwill Job Center in Sioux Falls. “They do their best to help people find a job,” Ali’s friend stated. In August of 2014, Ali successfully found his first job in the United States because of the help he received in the Job Center.

Ali has continued to be a proud advocate for the Job Center. Ali says with a smile, “I always tell my friends to come to the Job Center if they are looking for a job.” He has referred his brother and father to the Job Center for their helpful services. Ali commented, “Every morning you get a prayer from us before we go to work because you helped us find jobs.” He finishes with a big smile, “I like you guys.”