Goodwill of the Great Plains is excited to announce that GoodShred, the organization’s secure document and hard drive destruction service, has a brand-new look after a new GoodShred logo was unveiled earlier this fall.
GoodShred’s mission, however, is staying the same – offering individuals and businesses throughout the entire Goodwill of the Great Plains region of Northeast Nebraska, Northwest Iowa, Southwest Minnesota and the entirety of South Dakota access to an accredited document and hard drive destruction service.
How does GoodShred work? It’s easy!
A GoodShred truck makes regularly scheduled visits to your home or business to pick up the items you need securely destroyed. GoodShred follows strict i-SIGMA regulations, which means paper entrusted to GoodShred is pulped and made into reusable paper products within the United States. The service isn’t just for securely destroying paper, our professionals can also handle several types of media including CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, flash drives, memory cards, microfilm and more!
“GoodShred is committed to guarding your information and destroying it safely. Plus, our team daily strives to uphold Goodwill’s mission to treat people with compassion, integrity and dignity while celebrating the achievements of those who are reaching their potential,” said Daniel Peters, GoodShred Manager.
Not only do the services offered by GoodShred keep thousands of pounds of paper and electronics out of landfills each year through recycling, but $.88 of every dollar raised goes toward Goodwill’s mission of helping those with barriers find work. Each year, more than 30,000 individuals are served by programs and services offered by Goodwill of the Great Plains.
To find out more about GoodShred’s services, or to get a GoodShred truck to come to your home or business, please visit www.goodwillgreatplains.org/goodshred or call (605) 357 – 6151.