This is a follow-up to the story, “LaDonna’s Potential Realized Through Goodwill” published on January 25, 2019. If you would like to read this story visit the link:

LaDonna wasn’t expecting to receive an award at the Employee Connectivity Retreat this year. Her face in tears as she was accepting this award says it all. “It felt good to know the people I work with really appreciate me,” Ladonna said while smiling. “As a manager, I want to help people grow and to see my team sees this is a reward enough.”
LaDonna will be retiring at the end of this year and she is reflecting on the time that she has had with Goodwill. “When I came to Goodwill I knew nobody but as time went on I got to know names and I give people hugs now. I tell my co-workers they are family. I spend more time with them then I do my own husband,” LaDonna said while laughing. Goodwill has been a special place for LaDonna because she has learned leadership skills that have inspired her employees. “The one thing I can’t express enough is Goodwill giving me this chance. When I first started I was unsure of myself and Tami kept encouraging me saying, ‘You can do it’. If it wasn’t for Goodwill giving me a chance I wouldn’t have been able to experience what I do now,” LaDonna stated with reflection.
The plans that LaDonna has after she retires from Goodwill is to travel and spend time with family. LaDonna states with excitement, “It’s important for me to spend time with my family. I have a daughter in California and 2 brothers in Arizona. I want to spend as much time as I can with them.” Some of the places that LaDonna wants to travel to is Niagara Falls and the Redwood Forrest. LaDonna is excited about the next chapter in her life and we wish her all the best for the future.